

Organisations and technical professionals can benefit from CyberAssess, a single, unbiased assessment platform for your entire technology environment. Oftentimes, the need for an external evaluation comes from ensuring the environment's security. Our audit procedure is built to objectively inspect the organisation's situation and deliver a comprehensive report of its standing and various practical recommendations for improving the environment's security level.


Cyber Security Risk Assessment

Incorporating a cyber security risk assessment is imperative for establishing an effective security system, thus allowing organisations to identify and address any potential threats to their system and data. This guarantees that any delicate information is suitably safeguarded.

Why is a Cyber Security Risk Assessment Important? 

An assessment of cyber security risk is critical, as it:

  1. Identifies existing and possible threats: By assessing the risks and vulnerabilities an organisation is exposed to, an organisation can ensure they address the most crucial risks before anything else.

  2. Informs decision-making processes: By evaluating, measuring and understanding the financial implications and risk as well as the cyber security risks, executive management can plan out how best to allocate resources and create strategies that minimise risk and protect the organisation from cyberattacks.

  3. Fulfills regulatory demands: To adhere to laws like the Notifiable Data Breach Scheme, Australian Privacy Act, GDPR and CCPA, organisations must analyse and manage their cyber risks. An evaluation of cyber security risk allows them to fulfil these obligations.

  4. Preserves the security posture: Frequent evaluations of cyber security risk keep an organisation up to date with the most recent security issues and help them determine how effective their existing measures are.

Don’t wait until it’s too late.

Third-Party Cyber Assessments

Do you need help to fulfil a third-party assessment or verification required by one of your suppliers, vendors, or customers? Our experts can assist you with navigating through the verification process while reinforcing your cyber security practices to obtain the highest rating possible with the respective party.

Typically these requests will be facilitated through companies such as:

If you’re unsure how to complete their third-party assessment or stuck, contact our team. Not only will our team help you pass your evaluation, but we will also ensure your scores are higher than your competitors.


Supply Chain & Vendor Security Risk Management

Undertaking an audit of the supply chain and vendors for cyber risk management is paramount for many reasons. Firstly, with third parties having access to confidential data and systems, their vulnerability to cyber-attacks is amplified; therefore, scrutinising these partners will help identify potential flaws and lessen the likelihood of a data breach.

Moreover, regulations such as the GDPR and CCPA necessitate organisations to take appropriate measures for data protection, including the ones related to external vendors, which can be accomplished through an audit.

Brand reputation is another crucial factor, as an attack involving a supplier or vendor may compromise consumer trust and degrade the organisation's reputation.

Finally, the audit of supply chain and vendors also contributes to the organisation's security posture by pointing out areas of improvement and instituting effective cyber risk management procedures.

All in all, auditing is a crucial component of any security program and provides organisations with the means to safeguard data and reduce risks.

Connect with us today to discuss how you can assess your supply chain and vendors. 

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The most important step to achieving cyber resilience is taking the first step.